COVID-19 Response Update


A Message to Our Customers Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For over 19 years, our mission has been consistent: Connecting you for Success.  In this season of COVID-19, you remain our mission.

I’ve spoken with many of you.  Some are overwhelmed with business, some are overwhelmed with lack of business, and some are just overwhelmed.  I want to give you a short update on how and what we are doing:

  • We are doing well, considering the circumstances.  Our team is committed, has remained healthy, and has been agile in adjusting to working from home and supporting installations and other projects.
  • Our Network Operations Center is operating at full capability.  We moved our team to work from home last week (except select logistics, IT & engineering personnel).  Due to our investment in cloud technologies and remote connectivity, the transition was relatively smooth.  Reaching support remains the same and can also be found here.  Call 24/7 for guest or property assistance.
  • Our field support is operational, but working through the myriad of CDC and local government mandates to support installation projects and onsite repairs.
  • Your Customer Success Manager (CSM) will be reaching out to you starting this week to see how you are doing and how we can help in your specific circumstances.  Expect a call or email and please respond.
  • We set up an internal COVID-19 Task Force and a COVID-19 page on our website with the most current info.
  • We have been supporting ARVC’s industry efforts.  Their info page is solid – click here for information and resources.  

We are grateful to be serving you and an industry that is considered by its customers and many government agencies as “essential”.  I/We are with you. I feel we are prepared for a long battle and our readiness is high – our rally right now is “keep connecting!”.

God bless you, your families and your work.

Eric Stumberg, CEO | TengoInternet